
Halloween Popsicle Creativity Challenge

Once the chocolate popsicle shells are ready, set a timer for 15 minutes. Choose any brigadeiro, toppings, props, or pantry staples to make the most creative Halloween-inspired chocolate popsicle. Present your creations and vote. Award categories could include: Best Overall, A for Effort, Scariest, Most Colorful, Best Use of Tools or Props, Most Original Flavor Combination.

Pantry Pairing

Try mixing and matching your brigadeiro centers with other pantry staples like spices, salt, cereals, cookies, candies, and nuts to see if you can come up with a fun new combination. Pitch it to your colleagues and see who comes up with the best combination. Or perhaps you can try mixing the brigadeiro in your coffee or hot chocolate or spreading it on a cookie to see how the flavor profile changes.

Halloween Creatures

With some of your brigadeiro filling, design and make your own halloween-inspired creature. Some ideas include mummies, bats, pumpkins, monsters, and ghosts. Feel free to use any pantry staples or props like broken oreo cookies for bat wings or pretzel sticks for spider legs to bring your creature to life.

Try mixing and matching your brigadeiro centers with other pantry staples like spices, salt, cereals, cookies, candies, and nuts to see if you can come up with a fun new combination. Pitch it to your colleagues and see who comes up with the best combination. Or perhaps you can try mixing the brigadeiro in your coffee or hot chocolate or spreading it on a cookie to see how the flavor profile changes.

Explore Taste and Texture

Foods can take on a number of different flavor and texture profiles when mixed together, such as sweet, salty, spicy, sweet & sour, fruity, classic, smooth, crunchy, and more! Choose 3 different flavor profiles and try to make 3 different brigadeiros with that in mind. What’s the most surprising flavor combination you can come up with? See how creative you can be!